“Joseph C. Leyendecker, noted magazine cover artist and illustrator, left half of his $60,400 estate to a friend who had posed for the original arrow collar portraits and other paintings, according to his will filed for probate today.”
『New York Times』August 14, 1951, [‘Model’ Inherits $30,000]
『The Standard-Star』1951, [Still Handsome, He Burns Sketches That Made Him] Ed Wallece著
“ビーチ氏は彼らと同居し、アート制作の一部を手伝い、”J.C. “が描いたオリジナルのアローカラーの広告のためにポーズをとった。”
“Mr. Beach also resided with them, assisted in some of the art work and posed for the original Arrow collar advertisements that “J.C.” painted.”
『New York Times』July 2016, 1951, [J.C.Leyendecker, Noted Artist, 77]
現在は、イラストレーターの友人であり、相続人であり、最も有名なモデルである “アローカラー・マン “ことチャールズ・A・ビーチが所有しています。
“It is now owned by illustrator’s friend, heir and most famous model, Charles A. Beach, the “Arrow Collar man” “
『New York Times』September 16, 1951 [Artist’s Home Offered]
“He was a real parasite- like some huge, white, cold insect clinging to Joe’s back.”
『My Life as an Illustrator』Norman Rockwell著, 1960
“And besides, there was a lot he’d never known, Women, for instance. Joe could never paint a woman with any sympathy.”
『My Life as an Illustrator』Norman Rockwell著, 1960
“I asked the psychiatrist what had given Beach such a hold on Joe. He explained it was not unusual for a stupid person with only one idea in his head to gain control over a sensitive, timid person. He said it happened frequently in marriges.”
『My Life as an Illustrator』Norman Rockwell著, 1960
“Charles Beach, his principal model,[…].”
『The Saturday Evening Post』May-June 1973, [Leyendecker; Sunlight and Stone] David Rowland著
“It is known that, with time, Beach came to be Joe’s closest companion, assistant, and business manager. The details of their association- one that would last for almost fifty years- are shrouded in the solitary life they built and are the cause of curious speculation even today.”
『J .C.Leyendecker』Michael Schau著, 1974
“Because of the absence of any personal records, we will never know the precise nature of their relationship. Reports given by friends and neighbors tend not to be reliable, exaggeration the extremes of each personality involved as though each was a character in a Victorian melodrama: Beach the Villan, Joe the Victim, Frank the Martyred Yonger Brother.”
『America’s Great Illustrators』Meyer著,1982
“[…] Beach acted as agent, bookkeeper, messenger, apprentice, secretary, and caretaker for Joe, sparing him the distracting details of daily living that would have interfered with his work.”
『America’s Great Illustrators』Meyer著,1982
“Overcome by the loss of his friend, Beach developed a severe drinking problem, and died shortly afterwards himself.”
『America’s Great Illustrators』Meyer著,1982
『アメリカン・イラストレーション展カタログ』福島県立美術館著, 1993, [J.C.ライエンデッカー:エレガンスの時代] Michael Schau著
“Leyendecker was gay, but I would not argue that the Arrow Collar Man was gay […].”
『Gay Blades: Homoerotic Content in J.C. Leyendecker’s Gillette Advertising Images』Richard Martin著, 1995
“They were both lonely people”
『New York Times』December 27, 1998, [The Father of the New Year’s Baby] Gary Kriss著(James Connell、1930年代後半から1940年代前半にかけて、SEPのカバーのためモデルをした)
“Beach threatened to expose Leyendecker’s homosexuality, and the marriage plans were abruptly canceled.”
『New York Times』December 27, 1998, [The Father of the New Year’s Baby] Gary Kriss著
“She got to know Leyendecker and Beach fairly well, and she just thought there was a very comfortable, long-held relationship there that had a lot of strength”
『New York Times』December 27, 1998, [The Father of the New Year’s Baby] Gary Kriss著 (SchauによるPeggy Parrの言葉。Peggy ParrはJCLの従妹で、1940年代後半には夏をニューロシェルでJCLと過ごした)
“Trying to explain why Leyendecker was so austere and reticent, Mr. Hoctor unlocked the “terrible secret,” venturing that “probably the fact that he was a homoseual accounted for some of that.” “
『New York Times』December 27, 1998, [The Father of the New Year’s Baby] Gary Kriss著 (ニューロシェルの歴史家であるThomas Hoctorの言葉)
“Yet there is no direct evidence that Leyendecker’s relationshipwith Beach was homosexual, although Rockwell’s account reveals aclose emotional attachment.”
『Fashioning the American Man: The Arrow Collar Man, 1907–1931』Carole Turbin著, 2002
“Like most of the details surrounding Leyendecker little is known of Beach, or of his relationship to Joe. The best source of information about Beach is Rockwell’s writings and yet Rockwell never knew Beach’s first name.”
『High art joins popular culture_ the life and cover art of J.C. Leyendecker』Lindsay Anne Moroney著, 2004
『アート オブ J.C.ライエンデッカー』Laurence S. Cutler & Judy Goffman Cutler & The National Museum of American Illustration著, 2016(英語版は2008発刊)
“From soon after they met in 1901 and for the next fifty years, J.C.Leyendecker and Charles Beach were a same-sex couple fully devoted to each other’s well-being.”
『Outlaw Marriage; The Hidden Histories of Fifteen Extraordinary Same-Sex Couples』Rodger Streitmatter著, 2012
“アメリカに戻ったライエンデッカーは、弟と一緒にニューヨークに引っ越した。ニューヨークは、イラストレーションの中心地であるだけでなく、”アメリカの同性愛の首都 “だったという点でも魅力的だったのかもしれない。”
“On his return to the United States, Leyendecker moved with his brother to New York, which may have been inviting not only because it was a center for illustration but also because it was “the capital of the American homosexual world.” “
『How to Make It as a Mainstream Magazine Illustrator; or, J. C. Leyendecker and Norman Rockwell Go to War』Jennifer A. Greenhill著, 2018